CSR vision
Our CSR policy
APLIX has incorporated a CSR approach into its long-term vision since 2015, demonstrating its willingness to take into account societal issues and to act on a concrete and operational basis in the construction of a responsible future.
Aware of the changes taking place in the world, we have united in the creation of a general strategic project to initiate a cultural, ethical, managerial and technological transformation that will ensure and maintain the sustainability of our family group.

Our Vision, "Together, we build our future" ...
"Together, we build our future" so that our Customers benefit from our innovative solutions, partnerships to develop future products in a collaborative manner, the comfort and simplicity of our products, our global presence.
"Together, we build our future" so that our Employees benefit from optimal conditions regarding safety and quality of life at work, a balanced relationship that recognizes the rights and duties of everyone involved, fair treatment, the development of their skills, employability and autonomy, a balanced, constructive social dialogue.
"Together, we build our future" so that our Suppliers benefit from a long-term balanced and responsible relationship, our commitment to fostering local relations whenever this is possible, our co-development and partnership practices.
"Together, we build our future" so that the Environment benefits from the integration of an eco-design approach into the creation of our products, the management and reduction of our impact on the environment.
"Together, we build our future" so that our Shareholders benefit from regular and sufficient information to make informed decisions, fair remuneration with regard to their commitment and the associated risks.
"Together, we build our future" so that each of the Regions in which we are present benefits from our commitment to local involvement, our support for the regional economy and communities.
Our company's strategy is based on upholding values of respect, innovation, commitment and excellence. These commitments are applied across all of our subsidiaries and management structures in a supervised improvement process at each of our sites.