APLIX, a family adventure for which everything begins in the 1950s with the hook and loop system…

Georges de Mestral invents the hook and loop closure
The Swiss engineer George de Mestral, invents an innovative fastening system sold under the Velcro® brand (derived from "VELours CROchet", French for velvet hook) in the middle of 1950’s.

Jean Billarant establishes Velcro France
Jean Billarant establishes Velcro France to produce and sell Velcro® brand (from "Velours" and "Crochet") hook and loop fasteners under a license from the Swiss Company Velcro S.A. He settles in Carquefou near Nantes in 1964.

The 2nd generation takes over from the family business
Following the death of their parents, Jean-Philippe, Patrick and Jack Billarant took over the family business as President, Managing Director and Administrative Director respectively.

Velcro France becomes APLIX
After patent expiration, Velcro France ceases affiliation with Velcro S.A., changes its name to APLIX, and adopts the aplix® trademark to identify its hook and loop fasteners.

First commercial establishment in the United States
Creation of the American company APLIX Inc., a sales company based near New York. The product receives a favorable reception in the United States.
Development in Europe and Asia
Between 1981 and 1984, APLIX expanded the company by creating several subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Japan.

First manufacturing plant build in USA
Aplix Inc. opens a new factory in Charlotte (North Carolina) to better meet the needs of the US market.

A new industrial site of 30,000 sqm in France
The new production facility was built in Le Cellier to replace the Carquefou factory.
This plant designed by the architect Dominique Perrault was inaugurated on September 30, 1999 and was awarded the title of "World Architecture Award" in 2001.

New manufacturing plants in France and United-States
Opening of new manufacturing plants in France (Pontchâteau) and United-States (Charlotte).

Establishment of a plant in China
Opening of a new manufacturing plant in Shanghai whose size triples in the following years.
The Brazilian company PARAFIX joins the APLIX group
The Brazilian company PARAFIX, based in Valhinos near São Paulo and strongly established in South America, joins the APLIX group.

The 3rd generation takes the lead of the APLIX group
Sandrine Pelletier became Managing Director, then CEO in 2016.
Fabrice Billarant became Worldwide Sales Director and Deputy Managing Director.

Enlarging the French APLIX plant
Major extension of the French plant (Le Cellier) with 18 000 sqm to enlarge its industrial capacity to meet the future needs of its strategic markets. This extension has enabled the company to incorporate a new R&D center, an engineering center dedicated to house prototype machines and a building reserved for employees' living spaces.

A new production site in Brazil
The Brazilian subsidiary PARAFIX is integrating its new 17,000 m² production site in Vinhedo/SP. The factory has been designed to bring administration, sales and production together in one location, allowing for better interaction between departments and offering more agility in serving customers.